Infrastructure & Logistics

Infrastructure and Logistics

The infrastructure at the NLMC project level will include several axes, namely:


Ore storage platform (Rampad)

The ore which comes from the quarry by trucks at the crushing head, is stored in an unsheltered storage platform (Rampad) with a storage capacity of 50,000 tonnes and an area of 4,000 m². This area is essential for storing the ore and regulating the feed content using different mixtures.

Waste rock dam

The waste rock dam of the processing plant must have a volume greater than that of the ore that will be processed. The ore processed would be approximately 850,000 m³ over the five years so we can build a retention area of 1 million m³. An area of 2 to 3 Ha would be sufficient.
The part of the ore that would be treated is completely oxidized and without the use of chemicals, which will eliminate the risk of affecting inhabitants, animals or nature.

Water supply

To ensure an uninterrupted water supply to the factory, a study is underway to determine the need for a rainwater retention dam or to carry out 5 hydraulic boreholes.
For the treatment plant, water consumption is estimated at 20m³/h which we can increase to 30m³/h to take into account losses and evaporation.
Based on these figures we can estimate consumption per day at around 720 m³ per day.
For drinking water, the average consumption per person is 50 liters per day, if we take 100 people they will need 5 m3 per day, increased by 10 times gives a need of 50m3 per day.

Surface water management

Where possible, runoff will be diverted around the mining and processing plant to prevent areas from flooding.
We will also try to divert them towards the water storage dam if there is no overflow.

Power plant

After examining the results established in the technical and commercial evaluation, NLMC plans the production of thermal energy to meet the electrical needs of the various installations even if the operating cost of thermal power plants is significantly high due to their fuel consumption, and therefore the cost of energy is high since it is linked to the cost of diesel.
Two 400 KVA generators are planned for the factory and a 150 KVA group is planned for the base life.



These are the tracks outside the pits connecting the different destinations of the ore or waste rock at the pit exit. These tracks are 20 meters wide.
The tracks which link the NLMC site with the town of Fulah will be redeveloped to allow the various goods and large trucks which transport the material to easily access the mine even in the rainy season.
The existing track will require significant upgrading in order to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the construction and operation of the project, sections will be
Improved to ensure slopes and turning radius are suitable for standard highway tractor/trailer combinations and minimal design.
New tracks will be opened at the level of the operating permit and which will connect between pits, factory, slag heap, administration and living base.
All these tracks will be built in laterite with culverts installed on the watercourses. Drainage channels on the shoulders will be installed for optimal management of natural flows.


The waste disposal areas were designed with the safety distance between the pits and the waste rock storage surfaces determined in accordance with the requirements of the safety barriers. The main design parameters of this heap are summarized as follows:
• • 250,000 m2 of expandable footprint for Soso Town3, 100,000 m2 for Soso Town1 and 30,000 m2 for Soso2
• • 3 stands, each 10 meters high
• • 15 m of bench between stands
• • 26.5° angle of step slope, i.e. 1 m vertical for 2 m horizontal
• • 19 meters width of access track
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• • 8% slope of the track
There would be a slag heap next to each pit to optimize the hauling distances and are designed to absorb all the waste coming from the pit but if necessary, an extension could be made subsequently to double its capacity.


The Social and Environmental Impact study was carried out by the Company LIBERIA ENGINEERING CONSULTING AND SERVICES SARL (GUECS) and it was approved by the authorities and a Certificate of Environmental Conformity was issued on May 4, 2021.
The objective of this study is to:
Identification of the main environmental and social issues of the project sites,
• Demarcation of the direct and indirect zone of influence of the project,
• Summary characterization of the biophysical and human environments of the project area,
• Identification of actors likely to shed light on the process of carrying out said study,
• Engage in consultation with stakeholders (central, decentralized authorities and communities)
• Development of the Terms of Reference for the ESIA which constitutes the consultant’s specifications in order to guide him and limit him within the limits of his tasks.
Mining companies established in Liberia must fully take into account Liberian legislation in managing the impacts they may have on the populations and the natural environment where they are installed and how to mitigate them.
The ESIA study made it possible to identify the biophysical and human environment of the project installation area to determine the degrees of perception of the positive and negative impacts of the project.