Socioeconomic Environment

Socioeconomic Environment

An overview of the Socioeconomics Environment that would benefit the visitor.

Socio-economic environment

Our zone is located in geographical areas called “TIGUIBIRY”, Köda, former canton of Djoma and “NOUGA”. Indeed, these spaces today belong according to administrative distribution to the district of the urban commune of Siguiri.
The economy of Siguiri is mainly based on agriculture (yam, corn, rice, cassava, fonio, potatoes, peanuts and market gardens), the exploitation of gold mines (GGE ) and trade.
For livestock, residents raise cattle, goats, sheep and poultry.
In terms of infrastructure, it is in the same situation as the prefecture of Siguiri, it remains very weak in the areas of education, health, electrification, drinking water and access.


Local authorities and populations demonstrated their support for the project during information and awareness sessions led by the consultant team deployed in the field. They estimated that the project will contribute to the development of the Districts of Soso Town Koura and Tibiri Köda in particular and the Urban Commune of Siguiri in general.

The wishes and concerns expressed boil down to:

− Youth employment;
− Reprofiling of access roads to districts;
− Respect for customs and morals;
− Support for the construction by the NLMC Mining Company of new basic social infrastructure (health post, school, drilling);
− Support for income-generating activities (market gardening, saponification, etc.);
− Taking into account the lifespan of plants in compensation calculations;


As part of this ESIA, the major socio-environmental issues to be addressed are in the physical environment, namely the prevention of the population and the nature of mine waste, in this first phase there will be no use of chemicals.
For the biological environment, deforestation must be limited to preserve fauna and flora.
In terms of economic development, the launch of this project will generate local and regional economic benefits and will help develop the various infrastructures in the area.
In collaboration with local communities and authorities, the company will contribute to the fight against illegal gold panning.



The main risks of the NLMC project fall within the framework of the risks linked to the mining industry, however the company will try to apply all procedures to minimize the negative effects on the population, vegetation and nature, contribute to the development and employee training, promote local skills.


Good practice for managing environmental risks and impacts orders environmental measures according to the following hierarchy (ERC): 1- avoidance, 2- reduction, 3- compensation. Which is a legal obligation of the Environmental Code and the mining code.


As stipulated in the Liberian mining code, the rehabilitation of old mining sites in conditions of safety, rural productivity, and visual appearance close to their original state, in a sustainable manner and in a manner judged adequate and acceptable by the administrations responsible for Mines and the Environment

Article 64 of the Liberian mining code stipulates that “The holder of an Exploitation Authorization has the obligation to restore the exploitation site covered by his Mining Title.


A deposit for the rehabilitation of operating sites, the amount and methods of collection of which are set by joint order of the Ministers in charge of Mines, the Environment and the Budget, is due by the holder in order to guarantee the execution of this obligation “

Article 144: “The rehabilitation and closure of operating sites involves in particular the removal by the holder of all installations, including any operating plant located on the land. As far as possible, former exploitation sites must return to stable conditions of safety, agricultural and forestry productivity, and visual appearance close to their original state, in a sustainable manner and in a manner deemed adequate and acceptable by the administrations responsible for Mines and the Environment

The infrastructure will be dismantled and evacuated. The tailings park, the slag heap and all deforested areas will be revegetated
NLMC will put in place a rehabilitation plan to rehabilitate the site, in accordance with Liberian legislation. The communities surrounding the project will be involved in community development.
Before starting any construction or earthmoving activities, the topsoil layer will be carefully moved and kept to be used for rehabilitation after closure.
During operation, NLMC will reserve an area to use as a nursery for trees that will be used during the rehabilitation. This nursery should be prepared with specialists to choose for good biodiversity and also cope with climatic conditions.
A closure and rehabilitation plan will be put in place to facilitate this operation which can be started during exploitation in the pits which are already exhausted.
Rehabilitation after closure does not only involve returning the drill and earth to its original state only but also dismantling all mining equipment including the factory and moving all the scrap metal.
Buildings and other infrastructure will be taken over by local authorities


To supervise and have a reference regarding OHS prevention practices, standards and regulations in this area will be established.
The NLMC company will comply with international OSH standards in accordance with the regulations of the Liberian mining code.
The NLMC company will try to list all the risks and prepare the necessary prevention measures by training the teams, because ignorance and misunderstanding of the risks, on both sides, could encourage the occurrence of accidents. Therefore, good training and access to information are suggested to remedy this situation. To significantly reduce the number of serious accident victims, particular attention to the human element and the need for significant training and instruction could be given to both employees and supervisors.
Indeed, simply knowing the accident risks is not enough for employees to apply safety instructions. It is essential to provide the workforce with effective, appropriate and ongoing training to effectively control risks.


NLMC is committed to providing a healthy working environment for its employees. NLMC’s policy will be to promote the health of all its employees through medical care. A health center equipped with qualified personnel and adequate resources is planned by the project.
NLMC, in accordance with the Liberian mining code, undertakes to develop regulations relating to public health and safety at work and to submit them for approval to the mining administration.

Health program

NLMC’s health program will be described in the regulations relating to public health and safety at work. The regulations will also provide guidelines and procedures to develop and maintain a healthy workplace.

The responsibilities of managers, foremen, contractors and the professional hygiene officer will also be specified in this regulation. All staff will be made aware of these responsibilities through a training and orientation program.

The health program aims to protect workers from exposure to chemicals, harmful dusts and gases and/or climatic conditions that can harm health in the short or long term. It will emphasize good hygiene practices especially with this Corona Virus pandemic, attention, training and identification of health hazards, worker participation and management commitment in:
• Identifying health hazards
• Determining normative work and hygiene procedures
• Ensuring clear and continuous communication
• Providing the training required to ensure the competence of workers
• Determining accountability
• Monitoring compliance with standards
• Adopting continuous improvement measures.

On-site health facilities

A health center will be staffed by a doctor and a nurse with extensive training in first aid for accident victims and the injured will be permanently on site. The health center’s medical services will be accessible to all on-site staff and their families if they are housed on site.
The health center will have at least one waiting room, a consultation room, a treatment room and a rest room. The health center will be equipped to respond to the types of injuries and chemical exposures that may occur at the mine so that the occupational health officer can stabilize a patient’s condition or control the consequences of an injury. It will also be equipped with anti-venom serum against snake and scorpion bites, which are very common in the Siguiri region; More serious injuries may make it necessary
to transport the patient to the nearest hospital using an ambulance provided for this purpose.

Medical follow-up program

In collaboration with occupational medicine, NLMC will create a medical monitoring program to monitor the health status of workers during their employment. The program aims to determine the initial health status of all on-site personnel, including management, foremen and workers, monitor this health status and decide on special care in the event of injury or illness. .
All staff will undergo an annual medical examination administered by a doctor to whom the occupational health officer will transmit their information. All medical records will be kept in the custody of the physician and the professional health officer, for reference purposes only as needed by the latter or another health care professional.

Security Policy Statement

NLMC aims to ensure the safety of all its employees through adequate training and rigorous management.
NLMC is committed to meeting high standards of health and safety through the identification of hazards and their prevention through open communication between management, foremen and workers. Management will work in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Committee and designated safety personnel to ensure that this commitment is fulfilled. NLMC expects each member of its staff, including foremen, workers, contractors and visitors, to perform their work competently and safely for themselves, their co-workers and the environment.
NLMC is also committed to protecting all its staff from wild animals present in the region by isolating work enclosures by installing effective protective fences.
NLMC intends to conduct its business in an accident-free manner. All employees will be responsible for complying with the provisions of NLMC’s safety regulations and its programs and for contributing to the safety program by providing all necessary assistance.
NLMC recognizes its responsibility to provide all foremen, workers, contractors and visitors with safe operating conditions, environment, premises, equipment and systems. NLMC will be responsible for providing appropriate training and equipment for foremen and workers to perform their work safely.
NLMC will appoint, before the start of construction, a safety manager who will be responsible for communications on safety issues, choice of protective equipment, and reporting on compliance with safe work practices described in NLMC safety regulations . In each unit an accident prevention officer will be appointed and will be responsible for directing and training all foremen, workers, contractors and visitors on workplace safety.

Health program

NLMC’s safety program will be fully outlined in NLMC’s safety regulations. The regulations will provide the guidelines and procedures necessary to maintain a safe and accident-free workplace. The responsibilities of managers, foremen, contractors, workers and designated safety personnel will be specified in the regulations. All staff will be made aware of these responsibilities during an orientation and training program.
• The safety program aims to prevent injuries to workers. It will emphasize good safety measures, attention, training, hazard identification, worker participation and management commitment by:
• Spotting dangers
• Determining workplace safety standards and procedures
• Providing clear and continuous information on dangers
• Providing the training required to ensure the competence of workers
• Determining accountability
• Ensuring compliance with standards;
• Adopting continuous improvement measures.
Designated safety personnel will ensure safe equipment and signage, hazard identification, monitoring and ongoing training as necessary. Management and the Occupational Health and Safety Committee will ensure that all staff, including foremen, workers and designated safety personnel, are aware of their respective responsibilities and have received sufficient training to carry out their work in a safe manner.